I used mostly my ears

a blog about music by Marc Haegeman

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Magnificent Beethoven tribute from Chailly and the Filarmonica della Scala in Antwerp

Ludwig van Beethoven: Egmont Overture, Op. 84
Symphony No. 8 in F Major, Op. 93
Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67

Riccardo Chaily, Filarmonica della Scala
Antwerp, Queen Elisabeth Hall, 23 January 2020


Beethoven (1804) by Mähler

No escape is possible. Beethoven was born 250 years ago and quite naturally features very prominently in concert programmings throughout the year. Riccardo Chailly and the Filarmonica della Scala, on a visit to Antwerp, made no apologies with a deceptively simple all-Beethoven bill consisting of the Egmont Overture and Symphonies 5 and 8. In effect, it was not all that simple, as turning these overfamiliar pieces into a refreshing and exhilarating concert experience is no mean feat. But that’s exactly what they did tonight.

Read the full review on Bachtrack.